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Feel free to download our presentations about K3 in PDF format here!

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K3 versus ChatGPT

What if ChatGPT could be so much more productive? We compare the benefits of using ChatGPT in the K3 platform from the perspective of productivity gains. Get the K3 ChatGPT Business Class presentation in PDF.

Impact of AI + Education

Version: 240229-0643

The AI era has begun, and many companies understand what this means but don't know how to take the proper action to take the first step. We explain the benefits and the vast impact you get with an investment of K3 using AI + Education.

Presentation of K3 Functions

Version: 240228-1924
The K3 platform is a learning management platform created for individuals, teams, and organizations needing knowledge validation. With great AI tools built in, such as K3 ChatGPT Business class, Video2Quiz, and recording capabilities, this award-winning system will bring you into the AI era and boost productivity.

Roadmap for formative evaluations 

Version: 240301-1252

The K3 platform has a powerful module for Test result statistics. In many educational institutions, formative evaluation is a vital part of the Student evaluation and assessment. We work relentlessly to improve our system to be a stellar platform for learning. This PDF explains the design we plan for adding the Evaluation success matrix on top of the test results.